When you come to Sanctuary our hope and prayer is that you will discover the person God wants you to become, how that influences your relationships with others, and how God wants you to be a part of the changing world. This is best achieved by spending time building relationships with one another. At Sanctuary we love to play, eat, laugh, share our thoughts about life and faith with one another, as well as finding ways to give one another support through the hard times in life. While our group is far from perfect, we are sincerely attempting to figure out what it means to be followers of God, how to express those beliefs in our everyday lives, and to ultimately be a part of what God is doing in our world.
Wednesday Night
Youth and adults gather to laugh, play, eat, and learn. The goal each time we gather is to provide opportunities in which to connect with God and one another. We believe that through the deepening of these relationships, we can better understand how God wants us to embrace and express our faith daily.
Sunday School
This hour long opportunity provides students with another chance to actively engage the Bible. Here youth will be supported in the learning process by their peers and adults, as they continue to grow and learn in faith. This is an additional element to the Sunday morning worship experience.
Monthly Activities
Once a month a fun event, worship opportunity, or mission activity is available. Both the activity and the goal for each vary, but they all serve to connect us with God or one another. These activities have included retreats, lock-ins, movie nights, local events, serving our church and neighbors, and much more!
Summer Trips
Students finishing 7th – 12th grade are invited to experience various opportunities for spiritual growth and service through trips all over the country. The middle school and high school groups will rotate between youth conferences or camps and mission trips.
This experience is for 8th grade students. Each week from Fall until Palm Sunday, classes explore the basics of the Christian tradition, share ways to connect with God, and aids the development of their beliefs. This weekly commitment will invite them into membership at Eden and the larger church community.
If you are interested in being a part of Sanctuary please contact Erin in the church office or by email.