Kingdom Ministries: Parenting
May 09, 2021 - Deuteronomy 6:1-9
The Kingdom of God advances from generation to generation most directly from moms and dads passing on faith in the Lord to their children.. Christians serve the kingdom of God by raising believing children. How should we parent for the kingdom of God? Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Kingdom Ministries: Vocation
May 02, 2021 - Colossians 3:12-17
The Kingdom of God expands on earth. Christians serve the kingdom of God in many ways, including with their work. How should we view our vocation? How should work for the kingdom of God? Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Kingdom Ministries: Evangelism
April 25, 2021 - Acts 26:1-32
The Kingdom of God expands on earth. Christians share the message of Jesus with the world. Christians tell their stories. Some choose to believe in the Lord. Others persist in unbelief. How can we learn to tell our stories? How can each of us find an easier way to tell others about Jesus? Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Kingdom Ministries: Partnership
April 18, 2021 - 3 John 3-8
The Kingdom of God expands on earth. Christians partner together to form local congregations. Congregations partner together to support Kingdom minded ministries. SunShine Ministries in St. Louis,, is one of our mission partners. Come join us for worship this Sunday as we learn about their ministry and strengthen our partnership. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Kingdom Ministries: Sending
April 11, 2021 - Matthew 28:16-20
Christ is risen from the dead. The Kingdom of God is present now and the kingdom is coming in fullness when Christ returns in glory. In the meantime, the Church has work to do. The Church is sent by Jesus. But what is involved in our sending? What is the Church to be? What is the Church to do? Come join us for worship this Sunday as we find out. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Kingdom Practices: Celebration
April 04, 2021 - Luke 24:36-53
He has Risen! He has risen indeed! This Sunday is Easter. We join Christians around the world to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. As we celebrate this victory, we focus on the kingdom practice of celebration. Christians have much to celebrate. Come and join us for worship as we explore what we have to celebrate regarding Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Kingdom Practices: Worship
March 28, 2021 - Matthew 21:1-17
This Sunday is Palm Sunday. We will be receiving our confirmation students into membership. We will also be revisiting the famous story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. As we look into this story, we focus on the kingdom practice of worship. What is worship? How do we know when we do it properly? The answer lies in the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Kingdom Practices: Solitude
March 21, 2021 - Mark 1:35-39
This Sunday, we focus on the Kingdom practice of solitude. The discipline of solitude was a regular practice of Jesus and is prevalent in the lives of kingdom people. What does solitude look like? What benefits come when we practice solitude? Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Kingdom Practices: Simplicity
March 14, 2021 - Luke 12:22-34
This Sunday, we focus on the Kingdom practice of simplicity. The discipline of simplicity is prevalent in the lives of kingdom people. What is simplicity? Why is simplicity an important practice for kingdom-minded people? Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Kingdom Practices: Study
March 07, 2021 - Romans 12:1-2
This Sunday, we turn our focus again to Kingdom practices. These disciplines are prevalent in the lives of kingdom people. This Sunday’s focus is on the discipline of study. How is study a Kingdom Practice? Why should you study? Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at