A Loveless Church
June 07, 2020 - Revelation 2:1-7
Starting this Sunday, Eden Church will spend 7 weeks reviewing a part of the book of Revelation. We will be looking at the letters to the 7 Churches as we consider the teaching and correction the Lord had for His people. This series is a time to submit to Jesus, to hear His praise, receive his correction, and grow in our relationship with Him. Join us for our Facebook worship service on Sunday morning. The worship service will be posted after 8 AM at our Church Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/
Are You Thirsty?
May 31, 2020 - John 7:37-39
We get thirsty every day. Our bodies long for water. God designed us to be satisfied as we drink. It’s appropriate that Jesus used the analogy of water to speak to us about the gift of the Holy Spirit. On this Pentecost Sunday, when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, we will turn our attention to our thirst for the things of God. Join us for our Facebook worship service on Sunday morning. The worship service will be posted after 8 AM at our Church Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/
What Do These Stones Mean to You?
May 24, 2020 - Joshua 4:1-8
Join us this Sunday as Eden Church worships the Lord. Memorial Day Sunday is a call to remember our past, count our blessings, and commit ourselves to the work of building a good future. We can’t gather in-person to worship, but as we worship in our homes we can give thanks for God’s blessings and seek God’s help for our future. Join us for our Facebook worship service on Sunday morning. The worship service will be posted after 8 AM at our Church Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/
A Lesson for Graduates and Us All
May 17, 2020 - Psalm 56
Come and join us this Sunday when Eden Church celebrates the graduates in our Church family. While we can’t gather in person, we can worship in our homes and support this spring’s graduates with our prayers. Join us for our Facebook worship service on Sunday morning as we focus on our graduates. The worship service will be posted after 8 AM on Sunday at our Church Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/ Worship with us online.
A Celebration of our Moms
May 10, 2020 - Proverbs 31:10-31
Happy Mother’s Day! While we can’t do regular things to honor our mothers, like taking them out for a special meal or join them at Church on Mother’s Day, we can still mark this special day as we worship from our homes. Join us for our Facebook worship service on Sunday morning as we focus on the celebration of our moms. The worship service will be posted after 8 AM on Sunday at our Church Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/ Worship with us online.
Abiding in Christ
May 03, 2020 - John 15:1-17
The Key to the Christian Life is a personal connection to Jesus. On Sunday morning, in our online worship service, Pastor John will preach about how that personal connection works and the role we must play to nurture it. The worship service will be posted after 8 AM on Sunday at our Church Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/ Worship with us online.
How He Shepherds His Sheep
April 26, 2020 - John 10:1-17
On Sunday morning, in our online worship service, Pastor Karl Kindt will preach about how Jesus shepherds us as His sheep. The worship service will be posted after 8 AM on Sunday at our Church Facebook page.https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/ Worship with us online.
Danger, Death & the Resurrection
April 19, 2020 - 1 Corinthians 15:20-34
On Sunday morning, in our online worship service, Pastor John will preach about how important the resurrection of the dead is for the Christian. Our beliefs about life and death give us the courage to face challenges and overcome fear and danger. The worship service will be posted after 8 AM on Sunday at our Church Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/ Worship with us online.
A Mission to Serve Jesus
April 12, 2020 - Luke 24:1-12
He has Risen! He has Risen indeed! This Sunday our church will join with Christians around the world to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead. It was a time of great fear and discouragement for the disciples. Their teacher and Messiah had been killed and lay buried in a tomb. Their hopes and dreams lay buried with him. The men were fearful but the women were faithful. They went to the tomb to honor Jesus one last time and discovered news that would change the world. “He is not here but has risen!” Join us on Facebook at 8 AM this Sunday to worship and celebrate our Lord’s victory over the grave. https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/
A New Perspective on Palm Sunday
April 05, 2020 - Luke 19:28-44
Come join us on our Church Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville/, on Sunday, April 5th at 8 AM as we worship together and begin to mark Holy Week together. We will consider Palm Sunday and its significance. What message does God offer us through this familiar story? What encouragement do Christians take from this story? Come join us and see. Also, Sunday is a communion Sunday. Make sure you have bread and wine or grape juice so that you and your family can share in holy communion together. If you don’t have access to these items, use what you can to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. See you online!