Contentment & Disappointment
March 29, 2020 - Philippians 4:10-20
Join our worship service on Sunday morning as we share a Facebook Life Worship experience. Our Church’s Facebook page is: Worship will include singing, praying and a message from Pastor John on finding contentment in the midst of discouraging times.
A Mindset for the Future
March 22, 2020 - Matthew 20:17-19
This Sunday, you are invited to find our worship service and the message on Eden Church’s Facebook page. This message will be available at 8 AM. There will be discussion questions available for you and your family to engage with each other regarding this online worship service. You do not need a Facebook account to make use of this resource.
How God gets Camels Through the Needle’s Eye
March 15, 2020 - Matthew 19:16-30
On our 3rd Sunday of Lent, we turn our attention to the familiar story of the Rich Young Ruler. In this challenging story we are forced to address the challenges that our possessions can play in the life of the Christian. Come and join us for worship and a reflection on God’s word.
The Scandal of Unforgiveness
March 08, 2020 - Matthew 18:21-35
Come join us on Sunday, the second Sunday in the Lenten season as we consider the challenging topic of forgiveness. Jesus had a powerful message regarding forgiveness and the dangers that arise when we are unforgiving. Let’s worship together, focus on the teaching of Christ and examine our hearts for any unforgiveness.
When Faith and Doubt Meet
March 01, 2020 - Matthew 17:14-21
Come to our First Sunday in the Lenten season where we explore Jesus’ life and teaching as He journeys to the cross. What can we learn from Jesus about doubt? What can we learn from the disciples about failure? What can we learn about ourselves as we enter the story? Come and join us for worship and see!
A Glimpse of Glory
February 23, 2020 - Matthew 17:1-13
Have you ever read a bible story and scratched your head? Have you got questions about what is going on? What exactly is God wanting us to know? The passage of Jesus’ transfiguration is one of those texts that raises lots of questions. What is our God really like? What is the point of this story? Come and join us for worship on Sunday morning as we look deeply into God’s Word.
Nothing to Boast About Except Jesus
February 16, 2020 - Ephesians 2:1-10
Rev. Karl Kindt is our guest preacher this Sunday as we reflect on the truths of God’s word and what it means to embrace the reality that we have nothing to boast about except Jesus. Come and join us.
The Fear of the Lord
February 09, 2020 - Psalm 112
Come and join us for worship and for a study of the Word. What is the fear of the Lord? What does it look like to fear the Lord? We hope you will join us for worship and a time of self reflection.
In the Presence of God
February 02, 2020 - Psalm 15
What does it mean to be in the presence of God? What benefit is ours if we can enter the presence of God? Who has access to the presence of God? Come and join us for worship this Sunday as we seek an answer to these questions and as we consider the privilege we have to enter the presence of God.
The Struggle in the Church
January 26, 2020 - Titus 1:10-16
There is a struggle taking place at Eden Church. It is a struggle taking place in every congregation around the world. What kind of struggle? Why is it happening? What should we do? What should our response to this struggle be? Come and join us for worship this Sunday at 9:15 AM as we study God’s word and learn what God is calling each of us to do in response to this struggle.