The Bible is ... Phenomenal
August 06, 2017 - Job 26:1-14
Have you consider how incredible the Bible is? Have you found those precious parts of the Bible’s story that show it must have a supernatural origin? Come join us in our final message in the series as we survey the Bible and strengthen our confidence in it being the Word of God.
The Bible is ... Prophetic
July 30, 2017 - Isaiah 53:1-12
in our study of the Bible and its place in the life of God’s people, we turn our attention to its prophetic nature. The Bible foretells events and people before hand. What does that feature mean for the Church? Come and worship this Sunday and explore this with our Church family.
The Bible is ... Central
July 23, 2017 - Luke 24:36-45
Our sermon series about the Bible now turns to Jesus. In what way does Jesus understand the scriptures? How does He uses them? What does He believe about them? Why is that important? Come join us for worship as we see the Bible through the eyes of Jesus.
The Bible is ... Calling
July 16, 2017 - 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Eden Church has the privilege of supporting Mike & Carrie Carr as missionaries to Asia. Come worship with us and learn of their mission efforts and our joint calling to reach the world for Christ.
The Bible is ... Testable (Part 2)
July 09, 2017 - 1 Timothy 5:17-20
In reading the Bible, we discover it has some important and practical teachings for life. But, can we trust it? Should it have authority over our life and beliefs? Come and test the Bible and see if it is worthy of your trust and devotion.
This sermon was not recorded. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The Bible is ... Testable (Part 1)
July 02, 2017 - 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Can we trust the Bible? Does it stand up to critical scrutiny? Are we simply to believe something because the Bible says so? Come join us for worship and a study of the reliable foundations of the Christian faith.
We apologize that a recording of this sermon is not available due to a technical error. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The Bible is ... Essential
June 25, 2017 - John 6:66-71
Join us as we turn our attention to a study of the Bible. Why is it so special? Why is it important? Can I trust it? We start a new sermon series about the Bible and we invite you to join us as we worship God and learn about the Bible, God’s Word.
NOTE: The first few seconds of this sermon were cut off in the recording, but it should not hamper your listening experience.
The Celebration of Fatherhood
June 18, 2017 - 1 Corinthians 4:14-21
Come join us for worship this Father’s Day Sunday. We will worship God our Heavenly Father and focus our attention on God’s wisdom in providing earthly fathers in our lives.
A Rich Man & Lazarus
June 11, 2017 - Luke 16:19-31
Sometimes the teachings of Jesus are difficult. He speaks of challenging realities and calls us to think deeply about making the most of the life we have been given. Come join us as we wrestle with His teachings about life, death and consequences this Sunday morning.
When You Come Together
June 04, 2017 - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Come join us Sunday on this special combined worship service at 9:15 AM. The Eden Church family will gather around the table and the preached word and consider anew our life together as a Church family. Come and join us for worship, communion and a meal as we experience Life Together.