Happy New Year!
January 01, 2017 - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
On New Years Day, Eden Church will offer 1 worship service at 10:00 AM with no Sunday school classes. Come join us for worship as we look back over 2016, look forward into the new year and consider God’s plans and purposes for our lives.
This sermon was not recorded due to a technical error. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Worship, Our Gift to Jesus
December 25, 2016 - Psalm 96
On Christmas Day Eden Church will offer one worship service at 10:00 AM with no Sunday School classes. Come join us as we worship and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and consider the difference he makes in our lives.
Behold Salvation Comes
December 24, 2016 - Isaiah 62:6-12
Pastor John’s Christmas Eve message given at 5:00p and 8:00p services.
God We Hurt, Help!
December 18, 2016 - Psalm 80:1-7
Are you disappointed with God? Why does God allow His people to anguish? Why delay God’s almighty deliverance? Come join us for Worship and Wrestling as we brings our questions, our struggles and our doubts to the child born in Bethlehem!
This sermon was not recorded due to a technical error. We apologize for any inconvenience.
When God Saves Us
December 11, 2016 - Isaiah 35:1-10
This Advent we focus our attention From Creation to Christmas. Come hear the words of promise God sends through His prophet Isaiah. Come hear words of promise that point us to a cattle stall in Jerusalem and to God’s Savior, Jesus the Christ.
A King like No Other
December 04, 2016 - Psalm 72:1-7
Come join us this Advent season as we focus our attention From Creation to Christmas. What does the ancient Psalmist see when he speaks of a righteous king? None other than King Jesus, descendant of David’s Royal line! What will this King of Heaven do? Come join us to find out!
A View from God’s Perspective
November 27, 2016 - Isaiah 2:1-5
Due to a technical error this sermon was not recorded. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Come join us as we begin our Advent series From Creation to Christmas. Hear the prophets of ancient times speak about the coming deliverer, whose name is Jesus Christ. Come and worship and prepare your hearts for the work Jesus Christ wants to do in you.
God Promises, God Delivers a Savior
November 20, 2016 - Acts 13:13-41
Come join us on Sunday morning for worship. We will look closely into a sermon given about Jesus Christ. What does it mean that he is a Savior? How should we respond to this unusual message in our day? How can Jesus help us in this season of life? Come worship with us and find out.
God Calls and His People Respond
November 13, 2016 - Acts 13:1-12
Come worship with us on Youth Sunday. Our youth will assist in leading worship and Erin Swank, our Director of Discipleship, will bring us a message from God’s word. Come gather with God’s people, grow in faith and be ready to go and serve the Lord Jesus!
How to Do Everything
November 06, 2016 - Philippians 2:5-18
Due to a technical error this sermon was not recorded. We apologize for any inconvenience.
John Richardson from Level Path Ministries returns to bring a message from God’s Word that will include a high level report from his findings from being with us in October. Come and prepare your hearts to hear John’s observations and see what God would have for us at Eden Church.