The Support of Friends
September 24, 2023 - Acts 9:10-25
This Sunday we focus on Friendship. What does it mean to be a friend? What are the risks of friendship? What are the rewards? Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Redemption and Adoption
September 17, 2023 - Galatians 4:4-7
This Sunday we turn our attention to Christ’s life and ministry. He came to earth at the right time to fulfill God’‘s mission. But what did he do? What did Jesus’ coming accomplish? This Sunday, Pastor Bill Savering will bring us answers. Pastor Bill will be our guest preacher as we gather for worship. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
One Minute After You Die
September 10, 2023 - Luke 16:19-30
This Sunday we turn our attention to the afterlife. What happens one minute after you die? Jesus has some important things to say about life after death. Do you know what he taught about it? This week we look at the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Both men died and their experience beyond the grave is eyeopening. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Repentance & Suffering
September 03, 2023 - 2 Corinthians 13:1-13
This Sunday will be our 10th and final message in the sermon series called “Suffering & Salvation”. We have been working through the New Testament letter of 2 Corinthians exploring the topic of suffering. This week we explore repentance and suffering. Paul called on the Corinthians. to repent and he warned them of the consequences if they don’t. Is suffering tied to our disobedience? If so, in what way? There is much we can learn from 2 Corinthians 13.
Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
The Benefits of Suffering
August 27, 2023 - 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
This Sunday will be our 9th message in the sermon series called “Suffering & Salvation”. We have been working through the New Testament letter of 2 Corinthians as we have explored the topic of suffering. This week we explore the benefits of suffering. Are there benefits to suffering? Paul thought so and wrote about it in the 12th chapter. What are the benefits of suffering? Let’s look to the scriptures and find out.
Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Boasting in Suffering
August 20, 2023 - 2 Corinthians 11:16-33
This Sunday will be our 8th message in the sermon series called “Suffering & Salvation”. We have been working through the New Testament letter of 2 Corinthians as we have explored the topic of suffering. This week we explore Paul’s many experiences with suffering. Why would Paul be willing to go through so much suffering? Why would Paul appeal to that suffering in his letter to the Corinthian church? How does Paul’s example encourage and inspire us today?
Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Suffering Over Sin
August 13, 2023 - 2 Corinthians 7:5-16
Eden Church is working through a sermon series called “Suffering & Salvation”. This week we are exploring suffering as it relates to our sins. Sorrow for our sins is painful. But it is a good pain that can lead to repentance and renewal. What provokes that sorrow in our hearts? What can we learn from the Corinthian church about sorrow that leads to repentance? We will explore Godly sorrow in this Sunday’s sermon.
Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Serving & Suffering
August 06, 2023 - 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Eden Church is working through a preaching series called “Suffering & Salvation”. This week we are exploring suffering as it relates to living as God’s servants. Paul and his ministry team wanted to serve God and that serving came during times of physical and emotional pain. What can we learn from Paul regarding his mindset about his heartaches? How can we accept suffering and understand its purpose in our lives? We will explore how God helps us to endure in this Sunday’s sermon.
Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Suffering But Surviving
July 30, 2023 - 2 Corinthians 4:5-18
Eden Church is working through a preaching series called “Suffering & Salvation”. Each week we are exploring suffering and its place in the Christian’s life. How can a person endure suffering and keep on going? Why is it the Apostle Paul and others like him are able to get up after suffering and jump back into the ring again? We will explore how God helps us to endure in this Sunday’s sermon.
Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Spiritual Suffering
July 23, 2023 - 2 Corinthians 2:1-11
Eden Church is exploring suffering and its place in the Christian’s life in our Suffering & Salvation sermon series. Spiritual suffering is a form of suffering that every Christian will experience from time to time. Sometimes we suffer because of the choices of others. Sometimes we cause suffering to others or ourselves when we disobey the will of God. This Sunday we will explore Paul, the Corinthian people and spiritual suffering.
Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at