A Leader & His Sufferings
July 16, 2023 - 2 Corinthians 1:8-11
What do you admire about the leaders around you? Do you admire their success? Do you admire their energy and enthusiasm? Do you admire them for their weakness and their struggles? This Sunday we continue our sermon series on suffering entitled, “Suffering & Salvation”. We are working our way through 2 Corinthians as we consider Paul’s words about suffering, difficulty and God’s grace in the midst of it. Paul gets vulnerable with us and shows us what he learned in his suffering. Come and learn and be encouraged by a leader and his suffering. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville
A Theology of Suffering
July 09, 2023 - 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Why is there suffering in the world? If God loves me, why do I suffer? Why are God’s people mistreated? Does God help us in the midst of our suffering? All these questions have been asked by faithful people attempting to make sense of suffering. This Sunday we are going to began a sermon series on suffering entitled, “Suffering & Salvation”. We are going to work our way through 2 Corinthians as we consider Paul’s words about suffering, difficulty and God’s grace in the midst of it. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville
God Bless America
July 02, 2023 - Psalm. 33:12
On July 4, the United States of America will celebrate its 247th birthday. Why did America seek its independence from England? What role does God and Christianity play in the founding and future of our nation? Come join us as we worship God and consider our responsibility as patriots and Christians. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville
InterVarsity & Eden Church
June 25, 2023 - John 3:16
InterVaristy is a mission partner of Eden Church. Intervarsity has chapters on college campus all across America including SIUE. This morning we will be visited by the InterVaristy staff at SIUE to discuss our common ministry of sharing Jesus with the students on campus. Come join us to worship God and to learn more about how we can strengthen our partnership with them. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville
The Father and His Child
June 18, 2023 - Matthew 3:13-17
Father’s Day is upon us. We are called to give thanks for the fathers in our midst. Fatherhood is a noble calling and reflects the very heart of God. We will explore fatherhood and God as we gather for worship this morning. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville
One Savior of the World
June 11, 2023 - Colossians 1:15-20
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. But why? Why should people from China, Egypt, Brazil and the United States be beholden to Jesus? Who is He? How should we consider Him? We will explore Paul’s thinking about Jesus as we worship on Sunday. Come join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville
One Message for the World
June 04, 2023 - Acts 17:22-34
every single person on this planet needs Jesus. Wherever you go, you will find people far from God that need to meet Jesus. Christians have a duty to take Jesus to the world but most people never share their faith. We have one message for the world. Let’s explore the message and our need to share it with all who will listen. Join us on Sunday at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville
The Message From the Spirit
May 28, 2023 - Accts 2:22-36
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit into the hearts of the men and women who follow him. What is this about the coming of the Spirit? We turn our attention to the anniversary of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. Come join us as we explore the ascension of Jesus. Join us on Sunday at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville
He Ascended and It Mattered
May 21, 2023 - Acts 1:6-11
Jesus rose from the dead and this fact is at the heart of Christianity. After appearing to his disciples for about 40 days, Jesus ascended to heaven. What do we mean when we say Jesus ascended to heaven? Why did He go away when we need Him here? Did you know it is to our benefit that Jesus ascended to heaven? What is that benefit? Come join us as we explore the ascension of Jesus. Join us on Sunday at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville
The Power of Two Mothers
May 14, 2023 - Exodus 2:1-10
This Sunday will be Mother’s Day. Our congregation will gather for worship and will honor and pray for our mothers. Why do we honor motherhood? Because mothers make a huge difference, not only for their children but for an entire nation. Our focus will be on Moses and the two mothers that gave him life. Join us on Sunday at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at https://www.edenchurch-edw.org/Watch or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EdenChurchEdwardsville